Museum Branson merupakan salah satu rangkaian museum, perumahan benda aneh yang dimiliki oleh Ripley waralaba. Bangunan ini dirancang untuk memperingati gempa bumi, yang terdaftar di atas 8,0 pada Skala Richter, pada tahun 1812 di New Madrid, Missouri. Celah di gedung ... s memberikan kesan bahwa ia hanya bertahan gempa sendiri. The Ripley's Believe It Atau Tidak Museum di Orlando, Florida dirancang untuk muncul sebagai jika tenggelam ke dalam tanah.
The Branson museum is one of a chain of museums, housing the bizarre artifacts owned by the Ripley franchise. The building was designed to commemorate the devastating earthquake, which registered over 8.0 on the Richter Scale, in 1812 in New Madrid, Missouri. The crack across the building gives the impression that it has just survived its own earthquake. The Ripley’s Believe It Or Not Museum in Orlando, Florida is designed to appear as if it is sinking into the ground.
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