Lokasi : Reykjavik, Islandia
Tanggal : 1945-1986
Arsitek: Guðjón Samuelssondesign
Fungsi : Tempat Ibadah (Gereja)
The Hallgrimskirkja (secara harfiah = gereja Hallgrimur) adalah gereja Lutheran paroki bahwa selain terkenal sangat luar biasa juga sangat tinggi, mencapai 74,5 meter (244 kaki) tingginya. Gereja paroki Lutheran ini adalah struktur arsitektur keempat tertinggi di Islandia. Hal ini dinamai Icelandic penyair dan pendeta Hallgrimur Petursson. Gereja ini juga digunakan sebagai menara observasi. Butuh waktu sangat lama untuk membangunnya (sekitar 38 tahun...!) Konstruksi dimulai sejak 1945 sampai 1986.
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The Hallgrimskirkja (literally, the church of Hallgrimur)is Lutheran parish church that in addition to being very unusual is also a very tall one, reaching 74.5 metres (244 ft) height. This Lutheran parish church is the fourth tallest architectural structure in Iceland. It is named after the Icelandic poet and clergyman Hallgrimur Petursson.The church is also used as an observation tower. It took incredibly long to build it (38 years!) Construction took time from 1945 to 1986.The Architect of this building is Guðjon Samuelssondesign.
Tanggal : 1945-1986
Arsitek: Guðjón Samuelssondesign
Fungsi : Tempat Ibadah (Gereja)

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The Hallgrimskirkja (literally, the church of Hallgrimur)is Lutheran parish church that in addition to being very unusual is also a very tall one, reaching 74.5 metres (244 ft) height. This Lutheran parish church is the fourth tallest architectural structure in Iceland. It is named after the Icelandic poet and clergyman Hallgrimur Petursson.The church is also used as an observation tower. It took incredibly long to build it (38 years!) Construction took time from 1945 to 1986.The Architect of this building is Guðjon Samuelssondesign.
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