Orang-orang dari Kansas City diminta untuk membantu memilih buku yang sangat berpengaruh yang mewakili Kansas City. Mereka gelar dan dimasukkan sebagai "buku berpengaruh" dalam desain inovatif dari garasi parkir eksterior, untuk mengilhami orang untuk memanfaatkan Perpustakaan Pusat kota.

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This project, located in the heart of Kansas City, represents one of the pioneer projects behind the revitalization of downtown.
The people of Kansas City were asked to help pick highly influential books that represent Kansas City. Those titles were included as ‘bookbindings’ in the innovative design of the parking garage exterior, to inspire people to utilize the downtown Central Library.
Who said libraries have to be boring? The Kansas City Library has one seriously cool façade. Local residents were asked to nominate influential books that represent Kansas City and humungous versions of the winning nominations were then used as the exterior of the library.
The people of Kansas City were asked to help pick highly influential books that represent Kansas City. Those titles were included as ‘bookbindings’ in the innovative design of the parking garage exterior, to inspire people to utilize the downtown Central Library.
Who said libraries have to be boring? The Kansas City Library has one seriously cool façade. Local residents were asked to nominate influential books that represent Kansas City and humungous versions of the winning nominations were then used as the exterior of the library.
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