Lokasi : Island of Isla Mujeres, Mexico
Arsitek : Octavio Ocampo
Fungsi : Rumah Pribadi (juga untuk disewa)
Arsitek : Octavio Ocampo
Fungsi : Rumah Pribadi (juga untuk disewa)

Rumah Cangkang Keong dikatakan menjadi rumah paling menonjol dan asli di Pulau Isla Mujeres. Dikelilingi oleh Lautan Karibia (180 derajat pemandangan laut dari jendela) memberikan anda kesempatan unik untuk mengalami bagaimana rasanya hidup di Cangkang Keong. Rumah Cangkang Keong dibangun menggunakan pondasi cukup tradisional, seperti beton, material daur ulang dan bahan yang ditemukan disekitar laut. Pemilik rumah Octavio Ocampo adalah seorang seniman terkenal, yang kakak bernama Eduardo adalah seorang arsitek (dia juga memiliki sebuah rumah di pulau itu, tetapi yang lebih tradisional).
Jika Anda memasuki rumah Anda akan dikelilingi oleh cangkang bertema interior indah. Ruang utama tidak memiliki sudut - itu bulat. Wastafel kamar mandi lantai atas dibuat dari dasar cangkang keong, keran yang dibuat dari karang, rak handuk yang dibuat dari cangkang kerang dan kerang-kerang lain yang ditemukan di pantai setempat.
Beberapa fasilitas lain : 2 Kamar Tidur (@4 tempat tidur), 5500 sq ft, 2 Kamar Mandi, 1 Kamar Mandi Sedang, dekat dengan laut, kolam renang, AC, internet akses.

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The Conch Shell Hose is said to be the most outstanding and original house in the island of Isla Mujeres. Surrounded by Caribbean Ocean (180 degrees of ocean views from the windows) it gives you an unique opportunity to experience what it’s like living in a Sea Shell. The conch shell house was built using a fairly traditional foundation, such as concrete, as well as recycled and found materials. The owner of the house Octavio Ocampo is a well known artist, whose brother Eduardo is an architect (he also has a house on that island, but a more traditional).
If you enter the house you would be surrounded by a wonderful shell themed interior. The main room has no corners – it is round. The upstairs bathroom sink is made out of the base of a conch shell, the faucets are made out of coral, the towel racks are made from conch shells and other seashells and items found on the local beach.
Some technical info: 2 Bedrooms, Sleeps 4, 5500 sq. ft. , 2 Bathrooms, 1 Half Bath, near the ocean, swimming pool, air-conditioning, internet access.
If you enter the house you would be surrounded by a wonderful shell themed interior. The main room has no corners – it is round. The upstairs bathroom sink is made out of the base of a conch shell, the faucets are made out of coral, the towel racks are made from conch shells and other seashells and items found on the local beach.
Some technical info: 2 Bedrooms, Sleeps 4, 5500 sq. ft. , 2 Bathrooms, 1 Half Bath, near the ocean, swimming pool, air-conditioning, internet access.
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