Keinginan untuk menafsirkan kaya variatif hasil arsitektur kontemporer melalui identifikasi tren khalayak, tema dan kecenderungan telah memberikan nilai untuk beberapa ketentuan yang agak sederhana tentang arsitektur di luar kota Australia tentunya. Tidak ada yang lebih beragam dibandingkan warna-warni yang menggambarkan dari pembagiani antara Sydney dan Melbourne dan konsekuensi aneh serta tangguh yang menggambarkan Sydney sebagai arsitek modern - kejam, diperbudak oleh empirisme dan ketertiban, dan rekan-rekan warga Melburne sebagai artis yang sengaja menghindari halus dan rasionalitas dalam mengejar pengaruh bentuk dan permukaan.
Eksterior, panel kaca dan sirip logam tertutup dari serambi dilihat dua ruang tinggi menampilkan bingkai ke serambi dan menghubungkan ruang kerja dengan area publik. Panel beton digital yang diberikan pada eksterior bangunan mengekspresikan karya penelitian Sekolah di berbagai skala - dari skala manusia, dengan skala molekul ke representasi dikodifikasikan untai DNA.

A desire to interpret the rich miscellany of contemporary architectural production through the identification of common trends, themes and tendencies has given currency to some rather simplistic generalizations concerning the architectural output of particular Australian cities. None has been more colourfully portrayed than the alleged divide between Sydney and Melbourne and the curiously resilient corollary that depicts Sydney architects as pitiless modernists, enslaved by empiricism and order, and their Melburnian counterparts as wilful artistes who eschew subtlety and rationality in an indulgent pursuit of form and surface.
The building provides flexibly designed laboratory spaces allowing research to be undertaken in small groups or in large collaborative teams. Office areas for researchers and support staff are adjacent to the laboratories delivering a fully integrated and high amenity workplace. The entry forecourt and foyer space has been conceived as a new public space for the University and as an interactive exhibition space for the School, celebrating and revealing its world leading research work.
Externally, the glazed panels and metal clad fins of the double height foyer space frame views into the foyer displays and connect the workings of the School with the public realm.
Digitally rendered concrete panels on the building’s exterior express the research work of the School at various scales – from the scale of humankind, to the scale of the molecule to the codified representations of the DNA strand.
The building is reflective of new aspirations in the workplace – delivering an integrated, interactive building which allows researchers, students and visitors to interact in a range of formal and informal settings and fosters collaborative, team-based research.
The Nobel Prize-winning Peter Doherty conducted his award-winning research here, discovering the way T cells interact with the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) in antigen recognition.
Movie star Jackie Chan has made donations to the School, with the Director in 2006 announcing the Jackie Chan Science Centre will be named after him.
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